Kip Winger

Kip Winger

This portrait of Kip Winger was taken by the Corinth Street bridge in Dallas. My friend Susan worked at Z Rock so she borrowed the stations black hearse limo and picked up the band and delivered them to the location. The location was an empty field between the liquor store and lots of railroad tracks that were elevated about 20 feet above street level and over an old bridge. We had been there a few minutes when the Dallas Police arrived with lights flashing in several squad cars and all ran straight towards us. There was nothing around us except the bridge to my left and the railroad tracks up the embankment. We stood there surprised thinking something very unpleasant was about to transpire as they all ran past us and up the hill to the railroad tracks where not 100 feet away a homeless man had been killed by a train. The Police were all trying to figure out how the funeral home had beat them to the crime scene.
Very funny afterwards. James Bland photo.